Does the First Line Matter in a Romance Novel (Part 1)
August 4, 2023
See video at ( A Hook is the fishing line at the beginning of a story designed to reel you in and…
My Feelings on Carlson Vs. Nakamura
August 28, 2020
So, I don’t know if any of you have been following the Magnus Carlson Chess Tour, but my father has and by…
Remembering Tjisse.
May 28, 2020
Tjisse was a Friesian. They are large black draft horses with “furry” feet. They almost went extinct, but passionate Dutch breeders allowed…
Hawks Vs. The Flying Mob
May 26, 2020
I know I said I would tell Tjisse stories and I will, but I have to write this while the details are…
So it Begins with Tragedy…
May 25, 2020
Usually, these little updates on my life will be comedic. At least, that’s how I intend to approach them. I had this…